Viral Vectors On The Brain
The nervous system presents several unique challenges that make it a difficult system to study experimentally. At a structural level, the brain has a complexity that is orders of magnitude greater than other organs, and even the peripheral nervous system is profoundly complex. At a cellular level, neurons and accessory cells have extreme morphologies, physiological properties, and sensitivities that make them challenging to manipulate experimentally. In addition to these difficulties, the brain is also protected by the so-called blood-brain-barrier (BBB). The endothelial cells forming the vessels of the brain are highly selective in regulating passage into the cerebrospinal fluid, preventing the entry of viruses and bacteria, while regulating the transport of hormones, ions, drugs, and other molecules. The BBB hampers the effectiveness of many in vivo experimental techniques. For example, most drugs and viral vectors delivered into the blood cannot effectively cross the BBB and infi...